Thursday, April 30, 2009

Frog juice

Today in science we dissected a frog. When I first walked into the room, I was surprised to see all the little green frogs staring at me in dissection trays. They were just sitting there, atop paper towel, no casket or preacher standing over them. At first I was pretty disghusted, but I'm proud of myself because I did manage to help a little. I sucked all the frog juice from the frog *pukes* and I snipped out a kidney. My partner was REALLY getting into it, in the end our frog looked like it had done a back flip but failed miserably.
One wierd thing that they made us do was put all the organs on this sheet with a bunch of coloums. It looked like we were playing bingo. The thing that grossed me out was some of the organs were still warm, or they felt like that too me. I'm sorry Frog! Our frog was a guy, there was only one girl frog in the class. My friend got a girl frog and she said that it had what looked like a baby frog inside it! That's so sad!
My internets been sketchy lately, I totally blew up to my dad about it. I feel horrible now. I have an insane temper, and my dad has this miraculous ability to annoy me without even knowing it.


M.L. Kenney said...

Poor baby. You had to dissect frogs!!!!!!!!!
We did fish last year. It was horrible.