Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last night my parents said I could rent a movie, so I snooped around On Demand and found the last Broadway performance of Rent. I ordered it naievely thinking that it wouldn't be as good as the movie, that's what all my friends had seen and they raved about it. I was wrong. It was so amazing, like you were at the show. I had a few songs from the movie on my Ipod so it was cool to see the songs being put into context of the play.
But other than being just, a must see for all musical lovers, it was a touching comentary on social issues. It had the whole nine yards, from a drag queen battling aids, to two lesbian lovers with a tibit of communication issues.
And I'm going to try and not make it sound like a disney movie, but there were so many lessons woven into the plot. The whole thing was basically just people trying to realize that they might not see their friends again, or even wake up breathing in the morning in Angel's case. It was a whole big giant yowl to those stuck in the rut of suburbia to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. I think it's safe to say that we all forget to do that sometimes. I constantly catch myself looking forward and thinking "if I get through this....blah blah blah will happen" and forgetting to enjoy my freetime.
One of the main numbers that kept popping up in the play was called "no day but today" one of the lyrics, "there's only here, there's only now" could sum up the play in three seconds.
And I'm going to stop typing now 'cause I have to go eat dinner.


BuryTheWorries said...

Hey! I'm just returning a nice comment on your blog! I love RENT! I've seen it performed a couple times, and trust me... after you've seen it the way it was supposed to be done, you won't want to go back to the movie!!!


ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Thank you so much for commenting! I feel heard. How's BEDA going for you?