Friday, April 24, 2009

happy Friday!

I don't know about you guys, but to me it just feels like Friday. Well most of you are probably rolling your eyes due to the fact that it is Friday. But for some reason today's felt so light and happy and lovely. It was 82 degrees outside today! My friend and I went to get a slushie and it was windy, and we didn't even freeze! I was actually SWEATING, which was wierd due to the fact that I've been freezing for the past fiveish months.
My parents are going to a sixties party for their friend's fiftieth bday, they got costumes. I had to teach my dad what a beatnik was. I told him about how beatniks snap instead of clap and for the rest of dinner he would snap like every three words. It was one of those 'you had to be there' things.
Speaking of the sixties, check out this old music videoish thing for "help"! Poor Ringo, he's just sitting there holding a umbrella. Haha, you gotta love him. I always feel bad for drummers, esspecially when bands do acoustic stuff. I don't know if other bands do this, but paramore sometimes has their drummer play bongos when they do acoustic sets.
I love how he's just kinda staring at the umbrella like "why am I doing this?". And George keeps trying to peek over Paul's shoulder too. I don't like the person who directed this, they should've tried to get a shot with ALL the Beatles in it.
On a more solem note, tomorrow I'm doing the silent protest for the genocide in darfur! Come, be mute with me!


M.L. Kenney said...

The weather over here is nice too!
And I've seen the "Help!" promo thing. I have grown to appreciate it. And if you look carefully, you will see John make funny faces that are actually quite sexy.