Friday, April 3, 2009

fun with my John Lennon card/ appreciating ABBA

Helloooo everyone! I'm esspecially chipper today because...
my lovely Auntie got me a John Lennon card that sings "Give Peace a Chance"!!!!!!!
It's so AMAZING!!! I just flip open the card and John Lennon starts serenading me! For once in my life I<3>
Unfourtunately, there have been times where I've hated Hallmark (well more specifically the card isle at target)'s guts.
Once upon a time I was looking for a card for my friend Sally's birthday. She was going to offically be a teenager by the time that card was recived, so I decided it needed to be flipping awesome. So on New Year's eve my mom and I went to Target, I got some random folders and crap that are probably gathering dust in my room right now. And then we went to the card isle. At first glance, there were lots of cool cards, they had stuff like the beatles and guitars on them. But upon closer inspection, I REALIZED THEY WERE ALL FOR BOYS! And they said stuff like "he" on them, noticably so, which would make it impossible for me to sharpie draw an "S" to the he without looking cheap.
So I kept searching in the card isle, until I had an idea. I needed to find a card that sang ABBA! It was an ingenious plan, my friend and I ADORED ABBA! We were the lead singer ladies for Halloween. So I searched
and I searched
and I searched
and I couldn't for the life of me find a card that sang ABBA. So, I went home defeated and wrote my friend a story instead. Not that I'm saying that it wasn't fun, I had fun writing it and I suck at other home made stuff so that was basically the only solution. But I'm just saying that if HallMark would've just made a freaking card that sang 'dancing queen' it would've been convient. because my story was about me not finding a card that sang 'dancing queen' and taking matters into my own hands, and doing it the hard way. Which was to fly to Sweden, and persuade ABBA to come back to the states with me by impersonating a British Orphan, and an Avon sales lady.
So FYI Hallmark, if your reading this...
if there is any justice in the world there should be a card that sings Swedish Disco!!!!!!!!!!! Just a suggestion... BECAUSE ALL THE REST OF THE CARDS SO DIDN'T SUCK!<--SARCASM


M.L. Kenney said...

What a lovely card!!!

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

It is a lovely card! I play it every day!