Sunday, April 12, 2009

Adventures in Chicago/ chocolate ducks

Hello peeps! Did you notice that I was gone for four days? Well that was because I was in CHICAGO! *sets down suitcase with a thunk and starts to unpack* In case you didn't know this already, I come from a VERY small town. It's the kind of place where everyone knows everyone and if you want to go to the grocery store to say, just get some freaking pepsi and swedish fish, YOU CAN'T. Why? Because you'll run into fifty million people that you know, and you'll have to stop and talk. It takes my parents three hours to get through the grocery store, you can see why.

But despite my small-town upbringing, I can't stand small towns. They bore me, they annoy me for many reasons, and I've never liked them. Even when I was like seven I would get teary eyed a the possibility of going BACK THERE after three blissful days at my aunt's.

So when I got to Chicago, well calling me phsyced would be an understatement. First there was our hotel. IT WAS HUGE. We were on the 22nd floor, and you could see a bunch of huge buildings (and the river) when you looked out the window. At night the place was lit up like fireworks.

Our hotel, also had a revolving door. Now being from a small town, I had never seen one. When I first tried it I felt clausterphobic, as well as dizzy from spinning around. I also felt the over whelming urge to RUN AS FAST AS I COULD while in the door, despite the fact that there were people using little bits of door in front of me. Over time I came to love having MY own little section of door, and i miss it already.

While in Chi town, I also discovered pigeons. For some reason, I love them! My friend from NYC always complains about them, but I find something endearing in their little beady eyes and fat bodies. Unlike their cousin, the seagull who for some reason terrifies me.

We ate at the House of Blues one night, it was insanely amazing. There was art on every possible surface, and a big brass statue of a hindu god and or goddess in the gift shop.
We went to Easter brunch and I had a horrible tummy ache that night. I was sick today too.