Saturday, April 25, 2009

I did it!

From 9:30 Am to 1:58 P.M I didn't talk! The reason that I did this was to protest child soliders in the war in Uganda. Today in over 300 cities rallies are being held for said reason. People are walking for miles wearing special shirts, and going to monuments in their town. For example, if your going to the one in NYC they walk to the Brooklyn bridge. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the war, and attract media attention to the cause. My friend was doing it, so I decided to help her out and stay mute for a day.
The rescue, was started by the invisible children foundation. Invisible children is a nonprofit organization deticated to helping raise awareness and bring aide to the people of Uganda. To find out more about the organization as well as their message go to I'll be blogging more about it in a few days. I was just introduced to the organization a few days ago by a friend.


M.L. Kenney said...

I LOVE THIS IDEA! Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!