Monday, April 20, 2009

Why decimals confuse me/ top five reasons to hate math.

It's nine thirty. I should be half dead watching some cheap sitcom, but I felt guilty about not blogging. gasp, I made a habit! So anyway, why am I blogging now instead of my usual.. must check email before I explode, after school deal? One word: facebook.
My idiot evil, twin brother got a facebook. Even though my mom can get together with my best friends mom and MOCK IT FOR LIKE HALF AN HOUR STRAIGHT, my brother ignored that and got one anyway. Now normally I would totally play the "we're twins and we deserve to be equal, therefore I should have one too" card to my advantage. But none of my friends have a facebook because they all have super-young siblings and over protective parents. So I'm sticking with my blog.
One reason why I had to post right now is because I had to finish my math homework. So in honor of that... I present.
Math: five reasons to hate it.

1. It's confusing.
The moment I step into math class, this sort of white noise of ignorance washes over me. Seriously, if you want to get a response out of me after the first five minutes of class, good luck. This isn't just a new thing...EVEN IN KINDERGARDEN IT CONFUSED THE CRAP OUT OF ME.

2. Story problems suck.
Have you noticed that they use absolutely NO CREATIVITY when writing a story problem? Once I was taking a math quiz and there was a question about a cement block, see what I mean? And I don't know about you, but my math book uses the wierdest names. It's like.. "Mosami went to the grocery store..."
3. Who needs algebra?
Honestly I'm not going to walk into a grocery store one day and go, "If I have x amount of people coming to a party"
4. The creepy professor
In my math class we have to watch these insanely creepy tutorial videos. The guy who teaches them is named Edward. When they first started showing these videos, this fact enthralled me. But then I saw his face and I realized he had this thick, black, curly afro-dead ferret- mullett on top of his head. As the videos progressed I also noticed that he always wore the same tie and shirt, which made me think he was unsanitary. He also rambled about rasins for half a video once, it's snarky observations that my head was able to make like that, which made me learn NOTHING. Seriously, If you let me get started, I'm like my own what not to wear crew.
-one sec, intermission: la vie boheeeeemmmmm-
5. homework overload.
I can count on one hand how many times I haven't had math homework this year.
Ugh I'm tierd......