Thursday, April 16, 2009

boldy going nowhere

Hey the sun is shining, the grass is green with pestecides and sunshine, and where am I in this bout of springish joy? Stuck inside my little wooden cave criticizing myself. Sorry peeps, I know this will annoy you but it has to get out.
HOW CAN I CALL MYSELF A PEACE ACTIVIST? For one thing I can't even spell it right. For another thing I see people every day thinking the peace sign is just a fashion statement, not a symbol of unity and dreamers. If everyone thought that, we could do something. But unfourtunately, most don't they see it as the symbol on Selena Gomez's Tshirt. There may be a select few who know what that means, but average human stupidity drowns out the few sane left. Lets face it people.... this isn't the sixties. Right now, what do you hear about on the news?
How Wallstreet and their execs just lost xmillion dollars, not how people rallied to stop the war. If we stopped worrying about the cash in our pockets, and gave a thought about the fighting and those willfull souls over seas, maybe we could do something. But hey, I'm flashing peace signs as much as the next person. But instead of an actavist for a greater cause, I am seen as a wolf in the pack slash clique of life following the alpha female's trend.
Legacies of making love not war are faded for now, maybe in time they will gain their power back, but for now lets focus on things day! It's not a day to go around and flaunt your organic cotton Tshirt you snagged at target last minute, it's a day to enjoy natures beauty and give back a little.
So wounded souls of the long lost movement for unity, keep trying to revive lady peace. For one day she could breathe again. We as the younger generation, helped get a new president in office. Now maybe we can try to give peace a chance again.
This is a big topic to cover, i'm not sure about it myself. But I want to do something, my life feels so hollow and empty, like a cheap chocolate bunny with nothing but air inside. So I'm trying to figure out how to give it life and body inside it's inside, so far I haven't came up with much. Any ideas? Im a lost soul just looking under every nook and cranny for a purpose. And crying out to the people of the internet for ideas.


M.L. Kenney said...

I think you raise a really good point about the peace sign being a fashion statement. (I saw this girl I know wearing a Beatles T-shirt and she doesn't know anything about them, much less like them! What a hypocrite!)
I always try to behave peacefully, and I always compliment people who wear peace signs, even if it's not supposed to be a fashion statement. I'm like, "I'm so glad you're spreading the word!" and they stare at me like "What in hell are you talking about? It just looks cool."
Anyway, always, ALWAYS avoid raising your voice by thinking calm thoughts. Say hey to anyone you see. If you see friends having an argument, very politely butt in and help them calm down.
Have a good day and enjoy the peace. TGIF!

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

I do most of that stuff. I'm known as a peace keeper! Peace keepers unite! How was your saturday?

M.L. Kenney said...

My Saturday was OK. I WANT TO STAY HOME FOREVER!!!! How was yours?

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Ugh I just laid around all day. I did watch RENT last night though and it was amazing!