Monday, April 6, 2009

What the heck??

This has certainly been an odd Monday morning. Maybe it's because I've been listening to the sargent peppers album quite a lot lately, or the fact that it's Monday. But whatever it is, this certainly isn't what I would call normal.
First of all, since when could dogs get the flu? My dog went to the vet a few days ago, and she came back with some meds and a stomach flu. You know how when you go the doctors office, you often go home sicker than you were BEFORE you went there? Well that's what happened with my dog. She had this horrible flu that made her puke all around the house for days.
And when she was finally better, she passed on the doggie flu to MY OTHER DOG! Who totally went to the restroom all around the house this morning, moral of the story: don't step where the paper towels are.
Second, what's up with the view? Now I knew that Barbra Walters and company were already considerably physco, but not stupid enough to think they were one with Shrek. This morning I was flipping channels, and I stopped on ABC, only to hear that Whoopi Goldberg felt a resemblence to the famous green ogre. She even had her hair in these little puff things that looked like ogre ears, and she wore a supermassive kelly green blouse. Craziest thing about it is: this mornings episode was about "decoding your teenager" they were going to try to learn how to text. *bites tounge to keep from laughing.* I must study this further!