Sunday, April 5, 2009

just keep blogging

Hey Everyone! So far blogging has been going well, so what if I missed a day? Im still doing it! As of right now I would like to thank Maureen Johnson for keeping me motivated to blog via her blog.

So since I'm not going anywhere very interesting for spring break, today I'm going to talk about...

GOING PLACES! For those of you who have read Maureens books, you know that lots of them are about...TRAVELING! Crazy European adventures, romance, stroopwaffle, Starbucks musicauls; wrapped in a box full of European adventure and tied with a bow of accents and ABBA! Did that increadibly confusing sentence not make you want to read the book? If so... then your probably sane if I confuse you, but still.. read the book! Sorry if I sound hyper, the two pepsi's I just indulged in probably play a part. There are reasons why my caffine intake is minimal you know. The fact that I just watched the Mr. Kite scene from "Across the Universe" probably didn't help much either.
Anywaysies, traveling! I don't know about you but, I LOVE TRAVELING! Maybe it's due to the fact that I hardly ever leave the state, and live in a miniscule town. But, for some reason whenever I go to a new place, esspecially a big city, I explode in happiness. Well they say you always want what you can't have.
One of my main ambitions is not to win a nobel prize, or any big award for that matter. But simply to GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE! I wanna go places, and not when i'm eighty and I've spent my whole life in a suburb! I say live it up while your young!
Places I hope to go
Vive Paris (aren't I girly?)
New York City (big apple here i come)
and lots of other places.
I esspecially want to go to PARIS! I love EVERYTHING French, the food, the clothes, the languge! I take French and I can speak it pretty well, I use it in everyday conversation whether the person I'm speaking to is fluent or not. Pour example.
Bonjour les persons ou blogger! J'aime lise, joue gymnastique, et mange les cusine Francais. Je n'aime pas les devoirs, les Jonas Brothers et moi frere. Tu s'apelle Frank.
I know more but it escapes me at the minute!
I also really want to go to India! My aunt went once and she brought back pictures of beautiful bhuddist temples. I love the philosiphies in Bhuddism, and I practice yoga regularly.
A bientot