Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The British hate me

On my email there's this thing where you can change it to different languges. When I first started fooling around with this, I changed it to Swedish. This was fabulous, until I remembered the extent of my Swedish speaking skills was your basic Ipod words. (I did this to my Ipod too, instead of 'install to power' it said 'anslut till stromlaka' I'm serious.)
Eventually I got tierd of clicking the wrong buttons, even though it's the native languge of ABBA, it's confusing. So I decided to honor the Beatles and change it to UK English.
Even though it's eaiser to understand, the British seem to hate me. My spam inbox was literally untouched until I switched it. Now I have to empty my spam section daily, unless I want emails asking me if 'my significant other is cheating on me', clogging up my inbox.


M.L. Kenney said...

HI!!!! That's funny about the translator thing, cuz once I translated Google to the language of Elmer Fudd (no, this is NOT a joke). You should try it!
Also, by the way, never open Spam mail. Just delete it without reading it, because sometimes it has viruses in it that can be picked up when you click on it.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

I never open spam! 'cause most of the subject lines scare me....
Merci pour updating your blog! Twas lovely!

M.L. Kenney said...

Why, thank you. :)
I just got my report card. Most of my grades improved (I had all A's and two A-minuses), except in phys ed I got a B+ (who cares?), and in science I got, er, a. . . well, let's just say I almost cried. I hate that class with a passion! But now we're doing biology, so I'm sure I'll do well in that area.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Ugh, if it makes you feel any better we're dissecting a frog in science! We had to watch this video about it that was from like, the eighties. The frogs were in these like air tight plastic bags, so it looked like someone just stuck a frog in saran wrap! :P