Thursday, April 30, 2009

Frog juice

Today in science we dissected a frog. When I first walked into the room, I was surprised to see all the little green frogs staring at me in dissection trays. They were just sitting there, atop paper towel, no casket or preacher standing over them. At first I was pretty disghusted, but I'm proud of myself because I did manage to help a little. I sucked all the frog juice from the frog *pukes* and I snipped out a kidney. My partner was REALLY getting into it, in the end our frog looked like it had done a back flip but failed miserably.
One wierd thing that they made us do was put all the organs on this sheet with a bunch of coloums. It looked like we were playing bingo. The thing that grossed me out was some of the organs were still warm, or they felt like that too me. I'm sorry Frog! Our frog was a guy, there was only one girl frog in the class. My friend got a girl frog and she said that it had what looked like a baby frog inside it! That's so sad!
My internets been sketchy lately, I totally blew up to my dad about it. I feel horrible now. I have an insane temper, and my dad has this miraculous ability to annoy me without even knowing it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

we're off to see the wizard

Hey everyone, how's your week been? Mine's been fine. Today we basically got to goof off the whole second half of the day. We saw a play at the highschool called "The Wiz" basically, it was the wizard of Oz. EXCEPT IT WAS SET IN THE SEVENTIES! WHICH MEANS THERE WERE GOGO BOOTS!(My favorite type of footwear). It was pretty good, I kinda thought it would be like Wicked though, so I was confused. The singing was okay, I heard a few voice cracks though! I give the whole cast props, it was only dress rehersal. We had to leave at intermission though! I didn't get to see Glinda! When I was like four, I was Glinda for halloween so I have a wierd kind of favoritism towards her.
I remember the costume too, it was this little pink silky dress with bits of glitter shaped like stars on the skirt. The sleeves were made of glittery pale pink tulle and they itched, but I refused to wear anything under it. It was long too, I remember running around the house in it and tripping, I was such a graceful child. :-)
I am also a fan of Kristin Chenoweth! Did any of you catch her on Ellen yesterday? She has a book out!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Im talking to two peeps at once right now. It is hard can't blog.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My one song glory

Okay I get it, I need to stop with the RENT references. But dear reader, (I swear this is the one and only time I'll ask you a question with a direct refernce to it), what is your one song glory?
Let me explain. Throughout the entire course of the play, one of the characters is trying to write a song. He's HIV positive so this song is the one thing he wants to leave behind when he's gone. Now, what do you want to leave behind? What's your legacy, your one thing that you just have a gut feeling that it will TAKE YOU somewhere?
For example, mine is my story. It's fifty pages long, I've been working on it since last July/early August. But right now I'm having a serious creativity block. Do you guys think I should keep working on it?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I did it!

From 9:30 Am to 1:58 P.M I didn't talk! The reason that I did this was to protest child soliders in the war in Uganda. Today in over 300 cities rallies are being held for said reason. People are walking for miles wearing special shirts, and going to monuments in their town. For example, if your going to the one in NYC they walk to the Brooklyn bridge. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the war, and attract media attention to the cause. My friend was doing it, so I decided to help her out and stay mute for a day.
The rescue, was started by the invisible children foundation. Invisible children is a nonprofit organization deticated to helping raise awareness and bring aide to the people of Uganda. To find out more about the organization as well as their message go to I'll be blogging more about it in a few days. I was just introduced to the organization a few days ago by a friend.

Friday, April 24, 2009

happy Friday!

I don't know about you guys, but to me it just feels like Friday. Well most of you are probably rolling your eyes due to the fact that it is Friday. But for some reason today's felt so light and happy and lovely. It was 82 degrees outside today! My friend and I went to get a slushie and it was windy, and we didn't even freeze! I was actually SWEATING, which was wierd due to the fact that I've been freezing for the past fiveish months.
My parents are going to a sixties party for their friend's fiftieth bday, they got costumes. I had to teach my dad what a beatnik was. I told him about how beatniks snap instead of clap and for the rest of dinner he would snap like every three words. It was one of those 'you had to be there' things.
Speaking of the sixties, check out this old music videoish thing for "help"! Poor Ringo, he's just sitting there holding a umbrella. Haha, you gotta love him. I always feel bad for drummers, esspecially when bands do acoustic stuff. I don't know if other bands do this, but paramore sometimes has their drummer play bongos when they do acoustic sets.
I love how he's just kinda staring at the umbrella like "why am I doing this?". And George keeps trying to peek over Paul's shoulder too. I don't like the person who directed this, they should've tried to get a shot with ALL the Beatles in it.
On a more solem note, tomorrow I'm doing the silent protest for the genocide in darfur! Come, be mute with me!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I think it's safe to say most people love music. Some of us like music that will make our hips sway, and that has a bass line so loud it vibrates through you, like blood pulsing beneath a bruise. Well others just wish and want to go back to three magical days in 1969, and just once, a second, a minute, or a single glimpse, and see Janis Joplin at the top of her game.
Others like musicauls, and are Broadway bound. My social studies teacher never shuts up about the techno concerts in Chicago that she escapes to on weekends. And most people I know have had their lives shaped by four guys from Liverpool. Whose music can shape you and touch you and make you dance. It can give you a voice and this invisible force, like a shoulder to cry on. That you can't see but for some reason, you know it's there. Then there's those chords, that come blaring out of the radio... and you've never heard anything like it before and suddenly your hooked.
I think it's also safe to say that most people wanted to be famous at one point in their life. They wanted their name in lights, their name on the byline, their name next to the number one song on billboard. But really, this is just a ploy, they know in the back of their mind that they'll be just like dear old mom and dad. Or at least get stuck in a university at one point.
Then years later they'll work a nine to five job, the door will slam against the dry wall as the walk into their house. They'll kick off their shoes, pissed off and tierd, and having this nagging annoyance at the routine they fell into.
As that annoyance sets in, flavoring their every thought like the after taste of cough medicine, something will happen. And that something will take them back to the time when the sky was the limit.
Okay, I'm guilty of that too. I really, really, really, really, really,really,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, want to be a writer when I'm out of highschool. Or a yoga teacher, that's what my mom does, so she'd know what to do and I like yoga. But the truth is, I suck. Everything I write is all rambling and winded and never gets to the point. Sometimes less is more.
Sorry if this post was long, I'm locking my lips for a school day, protesting the war in Africa.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The British hate me

On my email there's this thing where you can change it to different languges. When I first started fooling around with this, I changed it to Swedish. This was fabulous, until I remembered the extent of my Swedish speaking skills was your basic Ipod words. (I did this to my Ipod too, instead of 'install to power' it said 'anslut till stromlaka' I'm serious.)
Eventually I got tierd of clicking the wrong buttons, even though it's the native languge of ABBA, it's confusing. So I decided to honor the Beatles and change it to UK English.
Even though it's eaiser to understand, the British seem to hate me. My spam inbox was literally untouched until I switched it. Now I have to empty my spam section daily, unless I want emails asking me if 'my significant other is cheating on me', clogging up my inbox.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why decimals confuse me/ top five reasons to hate math.

It's nine thirty. I should be half dead watching some cheap sitcom, but I felt guilty about not blogging. gasp, I made a habit! So anyway, why am I blogging now instead of my usual.. must check email before I explode, after school deal? One word: facebook.
My idiot evil, twin brother got a facebook. Even though my mom can get together with my best friends mom and MOCK IT FOR LIKE HALF AN HOUR STRAIGHT, my brother ignored that and got one anyway. Now normally I would totally play the "we're twins and we deserve to be equal, therefore I should have one too" card to my advantage. But none of my friends have a facebook because they all have super-young siblings and over protective parents. So I'm sticking with my blog.
One reason why I had to post right now is because I had to finish my math homework. So in honor of that... I present.
Math: five reasons to hate it.

1. It's confusing.
The moment I step into math class, this sort of white noise of ignorance washes over me. Seriously, if you want to get a response out of me after the first five minutes of class, good luck. This isn't just a new thing...EVEN IN KINDERGARDEN IT CONFUSED THE CRAP OUT OF ME.

2. Story problems suck.
Have you noticed that they use absolutely NO CREATIVITY when writing a story problem? Once I was taking a math quiz and there was a question about a cement block, see what I mean? And I don't know about you, but my math book uses the wierdest names. It's like.. "Mosami went to the grocery store..."
3. Who needs algebra?
Honestly I'm not going to walk into a grocery store one day and go, "If I have x amount of people coming to a party"
4. The creepy professor
In my math class we have to watch these insanely creepy tutorial videos. The guy who teaches them is named Edward. When they first started showing these videos, this fact enthralled me. But then I saw his face and I realized he had this thick, black, curly afro-dead ferret- mullett on top of his head. As the videos progressed I also noticed that he always wore the same tie and shirt, which made me think he was unsanitary. He also rambled about rasins for half a video once, it's snarky observations that my head was able to make like that, which made me learn NOTHING. Seriously, If you let me get started, I'm like my own what not to wear crew.
-one sec, intermission: la vie boheeeeemmmmm-
5. homework overload.
I can count on one hand how many times I haven't had math homework this year.
Ugh I'm tierd......

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last night my parents said I could rent a movie, so I snooped around On Demand and found the last Broadway performance of Rent. I ordered it naievely thinking that it wouldn't be as good as the movie, that's what all my friends had seen and they raved about it. I was wrong. It was so amazing, like you were at the show. I had a few songs from the movie on my Ipod so it was cool to see the songs being put into context of the play.
But other than being just, a must see for all musical lovers, it was a touching comentary on social issues. It had the whole nine yards, from a drag queen battling aids, to two lesbian lovers with a tibit of communication issues.
And I'm going to try and not make it sound like a disney movie, but there were so many lessons woven into the plot. The whole thing was basically just people trying to realize that they might not see their friends again, or even wake up breathing in the morning in Angel's case. It was a whole big giant yowl to those stuck in the rut of suburbia to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. I think it's safe to say that we all forget to do that sometimes. I constantly catch myself looking forward and thinking "if I get through this....blah blah blah will happen" and forgetting to enjoy my freetime.
One of the main numbers that kept popping up in the play was called "no day but today" one of the lyrics, "there's only here, there's only now" could sum up the play in three seconds.
And I'm going to stop typing now 'cause I have to go eat dinner.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

decoding the blogger

We as people all have certain piviotal things in our lives that make us who we are. Whether they be a huge near death experience along the lines of "holy *&^% I almost died! I saw the light and found jesus!" or as subtle as an abandonded book on a shelf at Schulers showing you there's more to life to life than your hometown. Or a song blaring out of the radio of your car, sometimes it's the little things that make us who we are. Eventually they come together, some peices big and others barely noticable fragments, making up the patch work quilt of our personality. To say that you usually don't let other people influence you would be a lie, there has to be SOMETHING that made you scribble your name on the sign up sheet for your soon to be passion. Or maybe a novel so remarkable that it convinced you to write.
Over these next few days/post I'll be conducting a sort of analysis of myslef. Trying to look back and figure out what makes up myslef. Also, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was sick again. Im counting this as yesterdays post, I'll be back today with the first thing.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

boldy going nowhere

Hey the sun is shining, the grass is green with pestecides and sunshine, and where am I in this bout of springish joy? Stuck inside my little wooden cave criticizing myself. Sorry peeps, I know this will annoy you but it has to get out.
HOW CAN I CALL MYSELF A PEACE ACTIVIST? For one thing I can't even spell it right. For another thing I see people every day thinking the peace sign is just a fashion statement, not a symbol of unity and dreamers. If everyone thought that, we could do something. But unfourtunately, most don't they see it as the symbol on Selena Gomez's Tshirt. There may be a select few who know what that means, but average human stupidity drowns out the few sane left. Lets face it people.... this isn't the sixties. Right now, what do you hear about on the news?
How Wallstreet and their execs just lost xmillion dollars, not how people rallied to stop the war. If we stopped worrying about the cash in our pockets, and gave a thought about the fighting and those willfull souls over seas, maybe we could do something. But hey, I'm flashing peace signs as much as the next person. But instead of an actavist for a greater cause, I am seen as a wolf in the pack slash clique of life following the alpha female's trend.
Legacies of making love not war are faded for now, maybe in time they will gain their power back, but for now lets focus on things day! It's not a day to go around and flaunt your organic cotton Tshirt you snagged at target last minute, it's a day to enjoy natures beauty and give back a little.
So wounded souls of the long lost movement for unity, keep trying to revive lady peace. For one day she could breathe again. We as the younger generation, helped get a new president in office. Now maybe we can try to give peace a chance again.
This is a big topic to cover, i'm not sure about it myself. But I want to do something, my life feels so hollow and empty, like a cheap chocolate bunny with nothing but air inside. So I'm trying to figure out how to give it life and body inside it's inside, so far I haven't came up with much. Any ideas? Im a lost soul just looking under every nook and cranny for a purpose. And crying out to the people of the internet for ideas.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wowzers we're halfway through the month already!

Yay Beda! Can't belive I'm actually keeping up with it. And now that I am hyped up on Beatles induced joy... I shall inform ya'll on some Beatles related news. George Harrison (ADORBS guitarist for the Beatles) has a star on the hollywood walk of fame! I found out this morning while I was munching on cheerios. I saw it on the little news strip at the bottom of the screen. I really wasn't paying attention to it but then I saw the words "Late Beatle" and "Geroge Harrison" My mind has like it's own google alert for those words. Teehee. Congrats to Georgie may he rest in peace!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

shiver me timbers

Due to the fact that I spent the past forty eight hours watching TV in bed, I've had my fill of your standard morning news shows. GMA, Today, that one with Kathie Lee Gifford and the lady whose name sounds like Honda, yep i've seen it all, even suffered through the view once or twice. I have offically declared Whoopi Goldberg a creeper by the way.
Anywaysies, while I was watching the aforemeantioned morning news shows, when I wasn't snoozing away I got to catch up on the news of the world.
I can't belive there are still pirates! When I first heard the news... this following dialougeish thing came to mind.
Meredith: Arrrg Good Mornin' America! It's Meredith Viera here with Robin Roberts.
Robin: Did someone forget to have their coffee this morning? Because I swear I just heard you say "Arrg". Anyway, the Obama's got a puppy -is cut off by Meredith-
Meredith: Why yes I did say "Arrrg", I had an interview with the wife of one of the people on the American Boat that was taken on a joy ride by pirates.
-cuts to interview-
Meredith: So how did you first find out?
Pw (pirate wife: The government officals told me. My husband also managed to get reception at sea so he texted me after he was held hostage.
Meredith: Wow, how'd that happen?
PW: We have Verizon, they do sure go with you wherever!
Meredith: Do you still have the text?
PW: Why yes I do
"Mom i'm @ da movies w/ Sandi and Cheryl. Stole car keys off counter. I kno u keep them behind the cookie jar. Txt u after party @ Kyle's."
Meredith: :O
PW: Woops wrong one! Here it is
"I've been captured by somalian pirates. Jack Sparrow and Co are keeping us hostage. Text you once I take off my hook leg and get this patch off my eye. Send the parrot.
Meredith: Did he honestly say that?
PW: You don't understand... Polly is extremely reliable. We trained her using the parrot approved obedience methood of saltines and bird seed.
Meredith: NO NOT THE PARROT! *mutters under breath* I am a serious journalist... why does Diane get to be on twenty twenty and take five zillion vacations when I get stuck with the crazies who lack parenting skills?
PW: *lightbulb flashes over head* Ohhh I get it now! Yes he did say that.
Meredith: I need a vacation.
PW: Just don't go to Somalia! There are vengful pirates there!
Meredith: I know there are pirates! The purpose of this interview is to discuss them!! *head explodes in journalistic impaitence*
PW: *sniffle* I thought it was to promote my memoir! That's what the producer told me.
Meredith: Pirates are more important than your memoir honey.
PW: I'm so unappreciated! -storms off set- DON'T FORGET TO BUY "A SEA MANS LADY" OUT IN MAY 2OO9 IN BOOKSTORES NEAR YOU!
-Interview ends-
Robyn: Well that was...interesting. Now here's Al Roaker with the weather!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Adventures in Chicago/ chocolate ducks

Hello peeps! Did you notice that I was gone for four days? Well that was because I was in CHICAGO! *sets down suitcase with a thunk and starts to unpack* In case you didn't know this already, I come from a VERY small town. It's the kind of place where everyone knows everyone and if you want to go to the grocery store to say, just get some freaking pepsi and swedish fish, YOU CAN'T. Why? Because you'll run into fifty million people that you know, and you'll have to stop and talk. It takes my parents three hours to get through the grocery store, you can see why.

But despite my small-town upbringing, I can't stand small towns. They bore me, they annoy me for many reasons, and I've never liked them. Even when I was like seven I would get teary eyed a the possibility of going BACK THERE after three blissful days at my aunt's.

So when I got to Chicago, well calling me phsyced would be an understatement. First there was our hotel. IT WAS HUGE. We were on the 22nd floor, and you could see a bunch of huge buildings (and the river) when you looked out the window. At night the place was lit up like fireworks.

Our hotel, also had a revolving door. Now being from a small town, I had never seen one. When I first tried it I felt clausterphobic, as well as dizzy from spinning around. I also felt the over whelming urge to RUN AS FAST AS I COULD while in the door, despite the fact that there were people using little bits of door in front of me. Over time I came to love having MY own little section of door, and i miss it already.

While in Chi town, I also discovered pigeons. For some reason, I love them! My friend from NYC always complains about them, but I find something endearing in their little beady eyes and fat bodies. Unlike their cousin, the seagull who for some reason terrifies me.

We ate at the House of Blues one night, it was insanely amazing. There was art on every possible surface, and a big brass statue of a hindu god and or goddess in the gift shop.
We went to Easter brunch and I had a horrible tummy ache that night. I was sick today too.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

random facts about me!

Hey people of the internet! In order for our blogger/reader relationship to become even better, I present to you....RANDOM FACTS ABOUT MOI!
All the smiley face's I draw have noses
I scribble the word "Riot" (from the paramore album) on almost anything, I do it without even thinking.
I can draw ALL the Beatles (and Stella) as stick figures.
IF something has black olives on it, I'll eat it
sitting with my legs crossed is most comfortable for me ( I do it in my sleep too)
I can't stand sleeping on my back
I draw patterns on my converse
I cant STAND hamburgers
My gerbil had red eyes
I named my fish after Leonardo Dicaprio because I loved him THAT much in Titanic
I can do a back handed namaste (when you put your hands in prayer postion behind your back)


Wisdom o' the day
good guys are dead or fictional. Or unattainable. Why do you think the single ones are so? BECAUSE THEY ARE JERKS, AND SCUM TO THE GENERAL FEMALE KIND! THERE'S REASONS WHY PEOPLE CAN'T GET A DATE. I IS MAD.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I just tried to bake this zucchini bread thing with my mom. I spilled flour all over myself, and cinnimon. In fact I practically over dosed the recipe in cinnamon. I also nearly cut my thumb off while grating carrots. Note to self: don't apply forculinary school.

What the heck??

This has certainly been an odd Monday morning. Maybe it's because I've been listening to the sargent peppers album quite a lot lately, or the fact that it's Monday. But whatever it is, this certainly isn't what I would call normal.
First of all, since when could dogs get the flu? My dog went to the vet a few days ago, and she came back with some meds and a stomach flu. You know how when you go the doctors office, you often go home sicker than you were BEFORE you went there? Well that's what happened with my dog. She had this horrible flu that made her puke all around the house for days.
And when she was finally better, she passed on the doggie flu to MY OTHER DOG! Who totally went to the restroom all around the house this morning, moral of the story: don't step where the paper towels are.
Second, what's up with the view? Now I knew that Barbra Walters and company were already considerably physco, but not stupid enough to think they were one with Shrek. This morning I was flipping channels, and I stopped on ABC, only to hear that Whoopi Goldberg felt a resemblence to the famous green ogre. She even had her hair in these little puff things that looked like ogre ears, and she wore a supermassive kelly green blouse. Craziest thing about it is: this mornings episode was about "decoding your teenager" they were going to try to learn how to text. *bites tounge to keep from laughing.* I must study this further!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

just keep blogging

Hey Everyone! So far blogging has been going well, so what if I missed a day? Im still doing it! As of right now I would like to thank Maureen Johnson for keeping me motivated to blog via her blog.

So since I'm not going anywhere very interesting for spring break, today I'm going to talk about...

GOING PLACES! For those of you who have read Maureens books, you know that lots of them are about...TRAVELING! Crazy European adventures, romance, stroopwaffle, Starbucks musicauls; wrapped in a box full of European adventure and tied with a bow of accents and ABBA! Did that increadibly confusing sentence not make you want to read the book? If so... then your probably sane if I confuse you, but still.. read the book! Sorry if I sound hyper, the two pepsi's I just indulged in probably play a part. There are reasons why my caffine intake is minimal you know. The fact that I just watched the Mr. Kite scene from "Across the Universe" probably didn't help much either.
Anywaysies, traveling! I don't know about you but, I LOVE TRAVELING! Maybe it's due to the fact that I hardly ever leave the state, and live in a miniscule town. But, for some reason whenever I go to a new place, esspecially a big city, I explode in happiness. Well they say you always want what you can't have.
One of my main ambitions is not to win a nobel prize, or any big award for that matter. But simply to GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE! I wanna go places, and not when i'm eighty and I've spent my whole life in a suburb! I say live it up while your young!
Places I hope to go
Vive Paris (aren't I girly?)
New York City (big apple here i come)
and lots of other places.
I esspecially want to go to PARIS! I love EVERYTHING French, the food, the clothes, the languge! I take French and I can speak it pretty well, I use it in everyday conversation whether the person I'm speaking to is fluent or not. Pour example.
Bonjour les persons ou blogger! J'aime lise, joue gymnastique, et mange les cusine Francais. Je n'aime pas les devoirs, les Jonas Brothers et moi frere. Tu s'apelle Frank.
I know more but it escapes me at the minute!
I also really want to go to India! My aunt went once and she brought back pictures of beautiful bhuddist temples. I love the philosiphies in Bhuddism, and I practice yoga regularly.
A bientot

Friday, April 3, 2009

and while were still talking about the card thing

I think the cards should play the whole song! Thirty seconds of my fav John Lennon song is not enough! But shortness aside, its an awesome card! I shall cherish it foreva!

fun with my John Lennon card/ appreciating ABBA

Helloooo everyone! I'm esspecially chipper today because...
my lovely Auntie got me a John Lennon card that sings "Give Peace a Chance"!!!!!!!
It's so AMAZING!!! I just flip open the card and John Lennon starts serenading me! For once in my life I<3>
Unfourtunately, there have been times where I've hated Hallmark (well more specifically the card isle at target)'s guts.
Once upon a time I was looking for a card for my friend Sally's birthday. She was going to offically be a teenager by the time that card was recived, so I decided it needed to be flipping awesome. So on New Year's eve my mom and I went to Target, I got some random folders and crap that are probably gathering dust in my room right now. And then we went to the card isle. At first glance, there were lots of cool cards, they had stuff like the beatles and guitars on them. But upon closer inspection, I REALIZED THEY WERE ALL FOR BOYS! And they said stuff like "he" on them, noticably so, which would make it impossible for me to sharpie draw an "S" to the he without looking cheap.
So I kept searching in the card isle, until I had an idea. I needed to find a card that sang ABBA! It was an ingenious plan, my friend and I ADORED ABBA! We were the lead singer ladies for Halloween. So I searched
and I searched
and I searched
and I couldn't for the life of me find a card that sang ABBA. So, I went home defeated and wrote my friend a story instead. Not that I'm saying that it wasn't fun, I had fun writing it and I suck at other home made stuff so that was basically the only solution. But I'm just saying that if HallMark would've just made a freaking card that sang 'dancing queen' it would've been convient. because my story was about me not finding a card that sang 'dancing queen' and taking matters into my own hands, and doing it the hard way. Which was to fly to Sweden, and persuade ABBA to come back to the states with me by impersonating a British Orphan, and an Avon sales lady.
So FYI Hallmark, if your reading this...
if there is any justice in the world there should be a card that sings Swedish Disco!!!!!!!!!!! Just a suggestion... BECAUSE ALL THE REST OF THE CARDS SO DIDN'T SUCK!<--SARCASM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

29 days of blogging

Maureen Johnson posted a challenge summoning all us bloggers out there to blog every day for thirty days. And in case you haven't read the title, I'm accepting. Except I started a day late, so I'll be blogging until May second. After all, what do I have to lose? It wouldn't hurt me to try to finish something for once.
Maureen Johnson based this challenge on the fact that you always have something to say. Which we all do. Hey, we've got the right to freedom of speech, why not use it?
I never finish anything. I always start something out with such a fever and passion that I know it won't last. It makes me kind of sad, like i've never accomplished anything. It also makes me feel like i have literally no work ethic. So I herby pledge, that will make a firm attempt at blogging every day from here on out.

Right now i'm listening to a cover of "turn your lights down low" origonally by Bob marley, but it's Colbie Calliatt singing it. Her voice is so smooth and effortless in this. It sounds lovely, but for me the drumming is a little uptight for regge. That's my only complaint.
And while were on that subject, Megan ruined the song on American Idol. I know this sounds mean, but she sounded like she was croaking, esspecially at the end. You could hear this little cork in her voice.
I might take up the guitar, I feel like I need and outlet. Plus I love music, and I think it would be fun. I'm not expecting to become one of those overnight youtube celbrities for my cover of "beat it" or whatever, just for fun. Im not going to become one of those girls who sounds like she's being strangled while she sings, yet forms a girl band anyway. Unlike some contestents on American Idol during audition season, I don't need Simon, Paula, Randy or Cara to inform me that I cant sing.
Even though she's been on the show for a long time now, it feels wierd including Cara as a judge. Is it just me or does it feel like she's kind of intruding on the famous threesome? That's all I have to say for now.