Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reg is right

School is out. Just like the song
well, almost out. Three more days, I'm PHSYCED. It's really wierd to think that I don't have anything to do except study. I'm almost done with my math final, yayers! Only a few problems left....
We cleaned out our lockers, it made me feel all sad and sentimental to see all the crap that had accumulated over the year, a headband, a broken calculator, a protractor, and somehow ritz crackers. When you clean out lockers it makes you realize that the little gray cell has history, and YOU aren't the only person's whose used it. I wanted to write something in it in sharpie like
"dear future inhabitant, good luck. FYIs, Physics sucks. Good luck staying awake if you have Mrs. L and if you have Mrs. H for English, give her love for me. Don't worry, it's more fun than sixth grade. Don't show this to the janitor, does this count as vandalism? Crap, I'm a vandal now...teehees. Feel free to add your two cents, maybe we can start something"
My locker is (was?) number three, it was honestly the farthest point in THE ENTIRE FREAKING SCHOOL. I think I lost five pounds sprinting down the hall to get to my locker in time.
I loved my locker, I stuck my favorite picture of the place I volunteer at to keep me happy in it, and a bunch of pictures of stuff I liked. I made it in the beggining of the year, so it's interisting to see how different I am now and how i THOUGHT how much I knew myslef back then. In truth that was just an experimental facade, though the things I learned about nonconformity stuck. This year was full of self discovery yoga, and attractive dead british men. This year I also made a cyber BFF! She's a sweetie, I never thought I'd find someone so much like myself, my friend got confused when she read her comments on my blog, 'cause we sound so much alike.


M.L. Kenney said...

Thanks for mentioning me!!! I feel special. :)
You HAVE to read my blog. It's about my sicko nasty teacher.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Glad I made you feel special, you really do mean OODLES to me sweetie!

M.L. Kenney said...

AWWWW, thanks!!!!!! I will post about you when the year is over. (Only 6 days of classes left)

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

M.L. Kenney said...

Whatcha doing now that you're on VACATION?
When do you get back, btw?

M.L. Kenney said...

You have to make a new post! I don't care if it's summer - keep the writing up!!!!