Thursday, June 25, 2009


Micheal Jackson just died hour ago. I mean, I wasn't a huge fan or anything, but I just realized the dude who did the 'thriller' dance won't be around anymore. Farrah Fawcett died too, today's been a day full of celebrity deaths. Wow. I mean, I saw Farrah's documentary and everything, and even she knew that her time was coming, but Micheal, no one freaking expected that. Isn't it wierd? I mean, people die all the time, but these two were according to my in shock mom, icons.
My mom has told me repatedly that she is in shock. She was running around the house for about five minutes saying so. Creepy isn't it? I mean when I heard he had a heart attack, and I thought "well that's okay, people survive those all the time". Then I kinda spaced out 'cause i've got an irrational fear of heart attacks, and while I was spacing out my mom goes "Rose TMZ says he's dead". And I kinda scoffed at that, 'cause TMZ is kind of like the Okay Magazine of news stations, well known but not reliable. So I told my mom that, and then apparently TMZ was...right. Oh my god.
It's another one of those wired things I can't wrap my head around. I mean they had a whole week of his stuff on American Idol just this year, and I play 'Beat it' on guitar hero.
How have you reacted to the recent events of the day?


M.L. Kenney said...

It's really sad about Farrah Fawcett, especially because her longtime partner had JUST proposed to her the other day and she was too weak to even nod her head. (This could all be media stuff, I don't know.)
But Michael Jackson?! It's just. . . bizarre. Michael Jackson is INCREDIBLY iconic. It's still sinking in for me that he died.