Sunday, June 28, 2009

Protest, because jobs aren't for everyone (hopes and dreams of the littlest hippie, who ain't gonna stop)

Suburbia=hell. The last thing I want is to marry a dude in a suit or owns a brief case. I will never live in the seventh little box house amongst thousands that look just like mine. I'll never be brainwashed by school spirit. And guess what, I'm keeping my hair just as it is now. 'Cept it'll be red.
The left side of my nose will have a teeny tiny hole with a ruby stud poking out. My hip will have a tattoo of a peace sign on a teensy chunk skin. My feet will go anywhere but here. My passport will be very worn. My year of French class will be well used. I'll be dirt poor and happy. While the rest of the world is rich and miserable. I'll help people out and study CLC and this year I'll be volunteering there for my third summer. I don't like doing stuff for a long time, so ya gotta realize I love 'em.
When I grow up I'll live in a loft in NYC with a fire escape that I climb around on like a monkey. And when I go inside to read and drink I won't be lonely 'cause this is the city that is insomniac. I like noise and cars and buses and subways so I'll be perfectly happy there. I'll live in East Village where I was always meant to be.
I'll write and I'll write on napkins and notebooks and paperplates with pencils and pens and pastels just to get stuff done and entertain myself.
Maybe I'll meet a guy. And I most certainly will befriend a drag queen with a funky name like Roxie or Harmony. And I'll make friends 'cause that's what I do I'd be lonely as a hermit, wouldn't you? So up until I set foot in my loft, I'll live life and I won't ever stop.
What are your hopes and dreams?


BuryTheWorries said...

I loved reading that. We could easily be friends.

Also, yes... it's been unbearable in TC. just AWFUL.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Thanks! Michigan most certainly isn't very fabulous during the summer. I'm glad someone finally understands, but hey at least there's no snow. :-)
And I could see us being cyber buds as well!

BuryTheWorries said...

TC is actually very fun in the summer... it's just... all the tourists are here. And they ruin it for us. =(

M.L. Kenney said...

Hey! Well. . . my hopes and dreams are not quite like yours. I live in what is approximately suburbia, and I'm cool with it. However, the dying-your-hair-red thing is something I've been thinking about too! When I get to college, my hair is going tomato red. A friend of mine said that maybe it wouldn't work for me, but I don't give a crud. I just love the idea of having really red hair.
By the way, drag queens are far and few between in the places I've been to (though you couldn't call me a city girl by any means). Try Hollywood clubs, or gay sex clubs. Or the Zodiac Show, or Burning Man. Just promise not to get into drugs more than perhaps a tad of pot once a year, cause I don't wanna see you end up like Janis.
I just can't wait till I'm a lot older and smarter and cuter and can get out of this stupid town. I want to be FREE. That is my goal.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

I HERBY PROMISE THAT I WILL NOT END UP LIKE JANIS! Maybe Adam can help me find some drag queens. Or craigslist.
We need to be hair twins! That would be awesome. And of course we have to meet up somehow!

M.L. Kenney said...

WE MUST. If I go to college in NYC, which I might, I'll cya there.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

wear your Adam pin!