Saturday, July 4, 2009

Once upon a concert (The Tale of Paramore, the littlest Hippie, and the very happy ending) pt. 1

Once upon a time the littlest hippie sat in her babysitters car. They were going to pick her obsessive compulsive skater punk twin up from the skate park, and the littlest hippie was so bored that she turned to the radio for solace. She turned it to her favorite station and listened happily to the various top forty hits. Then something different came on the radio, it was a very loud rock song with lots of guitar and drumming, the littlest hippie was surprised usually she listened to pop music, not this stuff. But much to her surprise she LIKED it, a lot. Once they picked up her ocd punk brother, and his neanderthal best friend, she turned the radio up even louder. She needed all the music she could get to drown out their dirty jokes. To her surprise the song came on again, and she smiled. She decided that she liked that song VERY VERY much, and asked her babysitter to turn it up louder. The littlest hippies brother frowned, he didn't like his sister listening to this stuff. He said it was emo, the littlest hippie didn't know what that meant, but at least the song was good.
Later that night the littlest hippie was distraught. She wanted to listen to the song again, but she didn't know the band OR the song's name! So she did what everyone does when they need new music, she typed a lyric into youtube.
The littlest hippie clicked the first search that came up, and watched happily. It was a music video by a band called Paramore. Suddenly it dawned on her that paramore was that bunch of punks who got between her and episodes of MADE when she watched MTV. She also realized something else, this stuff was AWESOME! The littlest hippie ate it up, watching every Paramore video she could find. By the time Christmas rolled around the littlest hippie added the paramore album RIOT to her Christmas list. She was sure that she would explode if she didn't have "Misery Bussiness" on her Ipod soon. (Little did she know that she would one day accidently have FOUR verisons of the song on her Ipod. One live, one a video, one acoustic, and one regular)
On New Years eve the littlest hippie forced EVERY MEMBER OF HER FAMILY to watch Paramore on MTV. She didn't care about Dick Clark and his yammering, all she cared about was watching Hayley and the guys. Hayley was Paramore's lead singer. She had bright red hair that looked like kool aid, and the littlest hippie thought (and still thinks) she was the coolest person EVER. She would DIE if she didn't get hair like that, and nearly fainted at the thought of meeting her.
Paramore's new years performanced rocked her world, the littlest hippie watched spellbound as Hayley clung to the microphone and swayed to the beat. She noticed that her hair was crimped, and she liked it very much. The Littlest Hippie then made it her new years resolution to become punk like them.
The next day the littlest hippie and her mom went to the mall, the littlest hippie realized that she liked the colors red and black, so she hunted for everything she could with that color scheme. She got lovely plastic bangels that clinked when her hands moved, and a red and black shirt with SPARKLES!
On Monday, the littlest Hippie was super excited to show off her new swag. She presented herself in homeroom with a ta da and jazz hands. Her homeroom buddy however, was not pleased. It turned out that she sided with her deluded skater punk brother and thought the littlest hippie's clothes were emo too! This would result in a year long fued about the littlest hippies style, which would eventually be made up and forgotten about.
Regardless of what her homeroom buddy said, the littlest hippie continued to be herself.
One day in March the littlest hippie was sitting in the car with her dad and brother listening to her Ipod. Paramore had presented a whole new wonderous spectrum of music to listen to, she found that she loved bands like Jimmy Eat World, Panic at the Disco, and all time low that she still loves today.
As she drummed along to the Jimmy eat world song " A praise chorus" she still managed to hear an announcement from the DJ. Paramore and Jimmy Eat World, were coming. Here. to her town. she would be on the same soil as HAYLEY! The littlest hippie screamed with all her might, she screamed so loud that her brother hit her in the eye with an ear bud. From that day on she begged her parents to take her to the concert. But sadly, she couldn't go. Her parents were going to be in the Dominican republic because of a vacation her dad won in work. The littlest hippie was heart broken to say the least. She cried herself to sleep for a week straight, only to dream of being at that very concert.
The day of the concert however, the littlest hippie was still enthraleld she wore her paramore shirt and told every person that passed that they were in the same city as Hayley!!!!!
Sixth grade ended for her on a lovely note, she had found out how to be herself, and all because of a song on the radio. It's wierd how stuff can change like that.
This is my back story on how I became a Paramore fan. Last night I went to their concert and it was the best night of my life. I stood in the same PARKING LOT AS THE BAND. I SAW ZAC GO BY ON A BIKE! I will write more later


M.L. Kenney said...

Oh. Ma. God.
Not only was your writing muy spectacular, you also saw members of Paramore perform. You went to a concert, a real one, and your parents LET YOU GO. (they must be super cool in comparison to my parents.) And I love the "littlest hippie" thing. So cute.
When Adam goes on tour - his SOLO tour - I want you to come to the NY concert. You must. I will be there. I will be the one shrieking "OH MY GOD IT'S THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!!!" and rocking back and forth and crying.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

We can meet up together and be spazzy concert buddies! Meanwhile my parents can find something else to do IT'S NEW YORK CITY! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING THEY CAN DO! We can leave my neanderthal brother by some street with lots of curbs to skate on. Is your sis an Adam fan too? She sounds very nice. LET'S BAKE ADAM A CAKE WITH HIS FACE ON IT! Everybody loves cake, especially face cake!

M.L. Kenney said...

My sis is not an Adam fan, no. Her life revolves around anime, manga, and video games. BUT I WOULD LOVE TO BAKE ADAM A CAKE!!!!