Sunday, June 28, 2009

Protest, because jobs aren't for everyone (hopes and dreams of the littlest hippie, who ain't gonna stop)

Suburbia=hell. The last thing I want is to marry a dude in a suit or owns a brief case. I will never live in the seventh little box house amongst thousands that look just like mine. I'll never be brainwashed by school spirit. And guess what, I'm keeping my hair just as it is now. 'Cept it'll be red.
The left side of my nose will have a teeny tiny hole with a ruby stud poking out. My hip will have a tattoo of a peace sign on a teensy chunk skin. My feet will go anywhere but here. My passport will be very worn. My year of French class will be well used. I'll be dirt poor and happy. While the rest of the world is rich and miserable. I'll help people out and study CLC and this year I'll be volunteering there for my third summer. I don't like doing stuff for a long time, so ya gotta realize I love 'em.
When I grow up I'll live in a loft in NYC with a fire escape that I climb around on like a monkey. And when I go inside to read and drink I won't be lonely 'cause this is the city that is insomniac. I like noise and cars and buses and subways so I'll be perfectly happy there. I'll live in East Village where I was always meant to be.
I'll write and I'll write on napkins and notebooks and paperplates with pencils and pens and pastels just to get stuff done and entertain myself.
Maybe I'll meet a guy. And I most certainly will befriend a drag queen with a funky name like Roxie or Harmony. And I'll make friends 'cause that's what I do I'd be lonely as a hermit, wouldn't you? So up until I set foot in my loft, I'll live life and I won't ever stop.
What are your hopes and dreams?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Micheal Jackson just died hour ago. I mean, I wasn't a huge fan or anything, but I just realized the dude who did the 'thriller' dance won't be around anymore. Farrah Fawcett died too, today's been a day full of celebrity deaths. Wow. I mean, I saw Farrah's documentary and everything, and even she knew that her time was coming, but Micheal, no one freaking expected that. Isn't it wierd? I mean, people die all the time, but these two were according to my in shock mom, icons.
My mom has told me repatedly that she is in shock. She was running around the house for about five minutes saying so. Creepy isn't it? I mean when I heard he had a heart attack, and I thought "well that's okay, people survive those all the time". Then I kinda spaced out 'cause i've got an irrational fear of heart attacks, and while I was spacing out my mom goes "Rose TMZ says he's dead". And I kinda scoffed at that, 'cause TMZ is kind of like the Okay Magazine of news stations, well known but not reliable. So I told my mom that, and then apparently TMZ was...right. Oh my god.
It's another one of those wired things I can't wrap my head around. I mean they had a whole week of his stuff on American Idol just this year, and I play 'Beat it' on guitar hero.
How have you reacted to the recent events of the day?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

undoing narcacissim; going FAR;

You guys are going to laugh when I tell you this. I accidently clicked a button when I was fixing my Blog, and I made it so I follow myself. This means that it says I have five followers,and one of them is me. This makes me sound like the worlds biggest narcacist. Any ideas on how I can fix it?
Also, far is out today! Go, buy it, support Regina!
That's all I have to say for now
<3 ya!

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Now you may be thinking after that short outburst, "what's she spazzing about now?" well, spaz would be an understatement! I am FURIOUS! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE MY WHITE HOT FURY!

Wanna see why?

click and be disghusted. Starting February 21, parents Jim and Ginny Maziarka wanted to ban, 58 BOOKS. *GASP!* How could they be such scum? How could they attempt to restrict the reading material of Wisconsian teens 58 different ways? But my dear blogging friends, the plot thickens. The reason they wanted those books banned was because they were about....GLBT teens, in case you didn't know GLBT stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, transgender (drag queens/kings). This disghusts me beyond a level that is describable, and I'm not even done with fuming about the REST of the articale.

But then...Ginny and Jim changed their minds, they decided that NO 52 is NOT ENOUGH, so they changed it to wanting to ban 82 books! Yes, that's thirty MORE attempts at limiting free speech and the right to read! But they did loosen up a tibit saying that they wanted the books moved to the adult section, where kids would have to have parental permission to check out books. I'm sorry but, I own like 82 books, I'm sure that the library owns more than me, but that would be like making me ask my parents if I could read all the books that have cluttered in my room over the years. (Just to put it in perspective) 82 is a lot of books, so there are chances that kids MOST FAVORITE BOOKS EVER are attempting to be banned.

And now lets move to the part of the articale, where the Marziwhatfreakingevers let their homophobic schumuck flags fly!

"An online petition drafted by Maziarka and her husband also asks for a more balanced collection, which include “affirming traditional heterosexual perspectives” that are faith-based or written by “ex-gay” authors. Other demands include labeling books with a warning about their content and placing Internet filters on all of the library’s computers, says Sue Cantrell, the library’s assistant director."

Excuse me but, if I read correctly but did they say that they wanted books by "ex-gay" authors? As in someone had a fight with their sexsuality so they dumped it and told it that it should take it's stuff out of the apartment they used to live in? As in someone used to be gay, but their not anymore? I'm sorry but you can't change that! You can lock the closet door nice and tight, and you'll still be who you are no matter how hard you try to change it.
The good news in this twisted case is, the library isn't budging calling Ginny and Jim's requests "censorship" and refusing to oblige! IT's still up for debate though.

So bloggers, what do you think of this? How does it make you feel? Well do the exact opposite of what these people are and WRITE ABOUT IT! UTULIZE FREE SPEECH AND TELL ABOUT WHAT EMOTIONS THAT THIS STIRS UP IN YOU! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! YOU MIGHT JUST HAVE TO SHOUT TO BE HEARD!! SO GO, PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET, AND SPEAK UP!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

All that glitters is sparkles

Personally, I am not the most girly person. I hate wearing makeup, and the sight of ANYTHING pink or with the word pink on it makes me cringe in horror. Although my room has been pink for the last four years, I've detested every flipping minute of it, becoming so ashamed that I would cry myself to sleep at the absolute HORROR of those fuschia walls. but I do LOVE wearing skirts, and dresses because I feel like shorts make me fat, and enlarge the size of my rear end.
But put those things on a guy, and I will adore him. Okay I admit it, one of my life-long goals is to befriend a gay guy. :-) When Adam Lambert came out I was sorta crushed as I put our wedding invites through the paper shredder and crossed "Rosie Lambert" off my notebook. (kidding). But then I rejoiced as I found pics of his cutie boyfriend, Adam had found love! I thought they were adorable together, and I immeadiately started planning THEIR wedding.
When I watch movies, I rant and rave about how adorable the spunky female protag's gay bff is. Not how hunky the stereotypical knight in shining armor is.
And don't get me started on Angel from RENT....
She is such a sweetie potato (thank you Lauren Myracle, that is now my favorite way to describe things)!
It's called 'freakshow' by James St. James, even Perez Hilton adores it. Now I know cyberspace's most beloved gossip blogger wouldn't be one someone would picture taking literary advice from, but go ahead and read it.
Plus, like my style of blogging? The dude who wrote it sounds like me on a sugar rush.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reg is right

School is out. Just like the song
well, almost out. Three more days, I'm PHSYCED. It's really wierd to think that I don't have anything to do except study. I'm almost done with my math final, yayers! Only a few problems left....
We cleaned out our lockers, it made me feel all sad and sentimental to see all the crap that had accumulated over the year, a headband, a broken calculator, a protractor, and somehow ritz crackers. When you clean out lockers it makes you realize that the little gray cell has history, and YOU aren't the only person's whose used it. I wanted to write something in it in sharpie like
"dear future inhabitant, good luck. FYIs, Physics sucks. Good luck staying awake if you have Mrs. L and if you have Mrs. H for English, give her love for me. Don't worry, it's more fun than sixth grade. Don't show this to the janitor, does this count as vandalism? Crap, I'm a vandal now...teehees. Feel free to add your two cents, maybe we can start something"
My locker is (was?) number three, it was honestly the farthest point in THE ENTIRE FREAKING SCHOOL. I think I lost five pounds sprinting down the hall to get to my locker in time.
I loved my locker, I stuck my favorite picture of the place I volunteer at to keep me happy in it, and a bunch of pictures of stuff I liked. I made it in the beggining of the year, so it's interisting to see how different I am now and how i THOUGHT how much I knew myslef back then. In truth that was just an experimental facade, though the things I learned about nonconformity stuck. This year was full of self discovery yoga, and attractive dead british men. This year I also made a cyber BFF! She's a sweetie, I never thought I'd find someone so much like myself, my friend got confused when she read her comments on my blog, 'cause we sound so much alike.