Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lessons from blue october

If you've heard their music before, you know it can reduce you to tears. You know it can comfort you when you feel like an utterly useless human being. And if you compare "Approaching Normal" and "Foiled" it's obvious, Justin's changed. I heard somewhere that he just had a kid, and it shows in his music. He's more optomistic, "Jump Rope" comforts you too, it reminds you that there's hope. Now what's the point of this point, other than the fact that it keeps me from doing H.W?
The point is that CHANGE CAN BE A GOOD THING! You may be perfectly fine, but change will do you good. This year has been fine, that's it. But the thing is FINE ISN'T AN EMOTION! It's the one thing you say when you don't feel anything. It's the default feeling. Change makes you feel things, maybe that's why were scared of it. Once were fine, we get used to drifting through days and not noticing anything. But when things change, we live in the moment 'cause before we know it something will happen again, and we want to preserve this moment of happiness.
So if somethings changing around you, appreciate it! It's much better than being stuck in a rut