Friday, March 20, 2009


*peeks out timidly from corner* bonjour world! Welcome to my blog. I don't know why I'm doing this. Maybe I need an outlet, maybe I'm bored. Or maybe I just want some stupid reassurance, that someone, somewhere will hear me. I know it would be cliche to say I'm misunderstood, but seriously. I have to repeat half the things I say.
Umm lets start with the basics.
I like peace. War is generally dumb, just a bunch of guys trying to kill each other over land, or prejeduice or a combo of the two. People take borders too seriously. Maybe if we stopped dividing up the world like a cake, then we could live in peace.

I love books. Books open up new doors and fill your head with wonderous ideas and philosiphies. Those who ban books don't understand that books teach us lessons on how to handle situations that you are clearly attempting to sheild people from.

I write, I find it to be an outlet of some sort. I can't sing to save my life or do the splits, but at least I can paint pictures in people's heads. Plus, writing makes people feel things. When people feel things, it means you've spoken to them in some sort of way.

I love music. I like a lot of sixties artists like Janis Joplin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and the Beatles. I esspecially like paramore. They are the best band and the world! Hayley's voice is so rich and emotional! You can tell when any of them step onto the stage that they WERE BORN FOR THIS! Haha, song title refernce. Their amazing to watch live, and their albums give me comfort. Who knew one could find peace amongst guitar riffs?
That's all for now. Please comment, tell me about whatever you want. :-)
Peace :)


M.L. Kenney said...

ROSIE! It's your homegirl Wishie!
I like that post. I didn't know you liked Jimi Hendrix! I have one of his songs on my iPod. I'm trying to get into a few more artists, namely Jimi, Janis, and Bob Dylan.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Wishie! Bob Dylan rocks!
Merci for the comment! I feel listend to! What have you been up to? I was busy yesterday so I didn't get to email you

M.L. Kenney said...

I am having a sucky week. I faked sick today because I didn't want to go to school.

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

I want to do that all the time, but I have too much of a concious.