Monday, May 25, 2009


can someone say 'fangirl' it's like the fiftieth time i've listened to it today. I knew I loved it even when I just read the lyrics on their site. Some people are all 'it sounds like fences' which, I can see the similarities. And fences is one of my favorite songs by them, but their both unique, ignorance sounds way more edgey though. I love it WAAAY more than decode (sorry twihards, 'i caught myself' pwns 'decode)
September ninth...NEW ALBUM! Can someone do the math and tell me how many days until then?
Also, how far aways is july third? That's when I'm seeing them WITH NO DOUBT TOO! IT'S GONNA ROCK!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

teehee Bob Marley brings out the best in all of us

Don cha' just love him? His music is so twangy and zingy and amazing. Anywaysies... these past few days I've been trying to well... "tone it down" omigosh I feel stupid even saying that!!! For those of you who only know me by my words, if you can't tell already, I'm very overly dramatic. I'm SUPER animated when I talk and I have a high pitched voice, so I sound like Kristin Chenoweth on a sugar rush most of the time. I also randomly burst into song a lot, and make remarks about America being full of homophobic schmucks, and how much I want to GET THE H*&^ OUT OF HERE AND MOVE TO NYC ALREADY!
My friend has been sick ALL WEEK LONG and it's REALLY scaring me, I'm hoping she like doesn't have the swine flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE HORRIBLE HORENDOUSLY SO BECAUSE NOW THAT I'VE REALLY GOTTEN TO KNOW HER, I FIND THAT I NEED TO HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT MUSIC AND OTHER RANDOM STUFF WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so this week due to the fact that she's been sick, my other friend and i have had to get through English class without her! It was hard! So my friend who HASNT gone MIA possibly due to the swine flu, has been chatting with one of the 'popular' girls. Now normally, this wouldn't bother me. I try not to let those holister clad elitist bother me, but somehow my evil twin wiggled her way into my body, and I found myself talking about hollister, with said hollister clad elitist.
I feel so increadibly dumb saying this, but when I talked to her, I felt so....inferior and dorky and clumsy and ugh! I don't know why but I suddenly realized that maybe I needed to lower my freak flag a bit...and I tried, and seriously I couldn't. I honestly did attempt to not sound like Kristin chenoweth just chugged a pixy stix, or run around singing in my "tall person" shoes (strappy brown wedge heels, kill my feet make me feel omigosh, attractive) But I couldn't. Seriously, I TRIED!
But as I was listenin' to Bob (can I hear a 'rasta mahn' for Bob?) I realized, I didn't need too. Because people can take me or leave, like I give a crap! I am a strong vertically challenged nonconforming teenager of the new generation who is not a homophobic schmuck! I can sing in class and not care because I get wierdly confident when I sing. I can have tiny mental break downs during the weeks, because i am an actress, and I wear my heart on my bicep like a cheap tatoo.
I can date a guy eventually, and befriend a gay guy too! And I'll be a dang good girlfriend 'cause aquarians are full of love, and I love my friends with as my heart can hold.
So elitist preps,
take me or leave me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hi again

When you blog for twenty some days straight, you get tired of it. That's why I haven't been around for all of May, sorry. Hmmm what's going on with me right now...
Come to think of it May has been a good month. Sorry if this post has a lot errors, it's almost 11 where I live, I'm abusing my "stay up as late as you want" privelage, my parents are at a party right now. It's for their friends fortieth bday, which is kinda ironic 'cause my rents are almost fifty, honestly age doesn't matter.
Did any of you see the finale of scrubs? It was so beautiful. I started SOBBING at the end... it was such a lovely ending. The song they played at the end is called "book of love" by Peter Gabriel, it's really pretty. If I ever get hitched, I want it to be played at my wedding. I'm happy that J.D and Eliott finally came to their senses, I've been waiting ever since I started watching the show for them to get together. The final montouge was beautiful, just the imagery and the music gave off a wonderful warm, fuzzy sentimental vibe. I love being sentimental, the present hurts.
The best thing in it, is that J.D and Turk are shown throught the whole thing. I love their relationship, take that Brody Gennar, THAT'S A BROMANCE AT IT'S BEST! Turk and J.D remind me of my brother and his best friend, they have a funny relationship, it's almost like he's a brother to me too.
Speaking of being sentimental, school is almost over. I'm PHSYCED for summer, don't get me wrong. I love it when it's warm and you have no routine, but in a twisted wierd way, I'll miss school too. I'll miss seeing my new friends, and rewriting story problems in math with my friends, and chatting with my guy friends, and my insane English teacher teasing me about Edward Cullen...sorry, I'm listening to the scrubs song...ahhh sentimental fuzzies.
I'll miss
randomly seeing the beatles in math class
my math teachers MSU obsession
drawing on Angels' converse
randomly running down the hall in mobile auditions
prank calling people
extra credit book club
consuming rice crispy treats
sitting in that little chunk-o-soccer field during lung
and being teased about George Harrison
scholarly candy canes
and planning the box that i'll live in since I failed insert name of test here
squealing over Adam Lambert
cramming for test
stupid French dialouges that I can honestly never see myself using
but not minding because, I don't know what the hell I'm saying
curling up in a corner and trying to write
giving hugs and cookies when needed
randomly bursting into song
wearing my tall person shoes
then having my feet ache because I just climbed up four flights of stairs in those shoes......
crap this was a good year.