Monday, October 5, 2009

bye Leo. <3 ya

My fish died today. Happy Monday to me. When I woke up this morning he was at the bottom of his tank, his tail was facing up. I didn't think he was dead 'cause I thought when they died fish floated belly up. Apparently I was wrong. He used to be this gorgeous electric blue color. But this morning he lost all his color, he was just a pale sickly shell of "Dicaprio fish". I thought he was sleeping, so I tapped the glass a couple times and...yeah.
And this afternoon when I came home from school, I went up to my room and he was just gone. His tank and his food and net and all that jazz was nowhere to be seen. Jesus my desk where his tank was looks so empty now. Like there's this big massive gaping empty space screaming at me that the little dude is probably somewhere in the Michigan sewer system. Dammit, I had to watch him suffer too. He just kept getting sicker and sicker. Near the end he couldn't even swim up to the top of his tank. It was like he gave up hope. I knew he was at the end of his rope last night, but I didn't even think to say anything along the lines "bye Leo, love you...". I mean I knew this was going to happen for such a long time, but it's a shock that it's actually happened.


M.L. Kenney said...

i just emailed you and then i checked your blog cuz i was thinking about ya, buddy. :( i'm so sorry about leo. i know fish don't often have extreme depth, but it sounds like this guy was pretty damn special. kisses to him and to you. i'm sure he's swimming happily in a bright blue ocean in fishy heaven with all his brothers and sisters. and above him is the bottom of the ship titanic, also gone to heaven. <3

ROSIE!!!!!!!!! said...

Thanks sweetie! I'll write back as soon as I can... I still have lots of H.W to do.