Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If she goes...

If Greta goes then she gets a nice happy life on a farm. With places to run and things to chase. Someday she'll be too preoccupied with chasing chickens or whatever to remember the one who argued for days upon fucking days to just get her a bowl. She'll forget the one who named her, and petted her until she looked stoned with happiness. If Greta goes then she'll get what I always wanted, she'll go far far away from East. If Greta goes, I will stay. Stay here with the sick sadistic people that the fates placed me with. The ones who exiled her, and said that she was just too much. Too much what? Energy? Pee on carpets?
What the hell did I do? Every fucking thing that I have ever loved i just can't have. It's like the fates or god or whoever is just sitting there switching between my life and hbo reruns and "WHOOPS! Looks like she almost LOVED something there for a minute, better screw that up,". Seriously from George Harrison, to Norah, to Belle, Adam Lambert, taken theatre guys number one and two, these are just the examples from THIS YEAR of SHIT THAT I LOVED WITH MY HEART AND SOUL THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT. But this is my doggie, and I love her and I want her to stay.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

bless me sister gaga! for I have sinned!

Didja see the alejandro video? Didja see the "burning cross homage to maddonna like a prayer" references? DID YOU SEE THE LATEX NUN HABIT! LADY GAGA IS A NUN. I think this is what the Mayans meant when the world was ending. I HAVE SEEN IT ALL! Who knew rosary's were edible? Or red? And what's up with THE DUDES IN HEELS? *fist pump* DRAG QUEENS IN MODERN MEDIA! GO ANDROGONY! So many questions...and mental images of my church freaking out.... whatever shall I do? Hahahahahaha I still can't get over the lady gaga in a nun's habit thing...sing it with me now "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!". Oh and the scene with gaga and her bra...I think it grew arms. Maybe the haus of gaga spilled some mutant panty juice on it. And what do you think about the scene where gaga is riding her back up dancer like a frickin' pony? I think we all know what that means.
Oh sister gaga! Bless me for I have sinned! *makes sign of the cross* Amen!