Friday, January 22, 2010

Um wow, I guess I'm back from the dead

Hi everyone. Happy new year, merry Christmas, and happy soon to be valentines day! Did I miss any other holidays? Jesus, it's been along time that I've written something that doesn't have to be attached to a rubric. Oh yes, I've been doing plenty of writing. But it's all school writing, school writing is much different as you probably know. It feels akward writing this returning to writing for absolutely no purpose.
So, lets not have a big build up, I got into Annie. I must have an ounce of talent in my bones, because over EIGHTY PEOPLE auditioned. They double casted the show. This means that when people looked at the cast list, forty were estatic, and forty were depressed an bitter. I was one of the happy ones. I was estatic actually. I screamed I jumped, I threw in the occasional scissor kick. I'm a chorus member, which means I'm an orphan and a new yorker and a warbucks staff member. This means I have lots of costumes, and songs that I get to sing and dances that I get to dance. I even need a script. I was setting myself up to just sing and dance every night, but now I get to say stuff too.

In case you need a little backround info, the follwing list is that of my previous theatrical endevours:

civic theatre camp 5yrs old
1 year of private voice lessons 8 yrs old
4 years of chior 10 until now
1 other theatre camp
1 audition that never happened.

And yet, I'm one of the forty happy ones.
happy friday I hope ya'll do something fun this weekend.